Get fast Haulage & Logistics services
Get top-tier solutions for your Supply Chain, Logistics, and Staffing needs.
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Access efficient Integrated Supply & Contracting services
Get top-tier solutions for your Supply Chain, Logistics, and Staffing needs.
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Experience Reliable Resource Staffing & Management services
Get top-tier solutions for your Supply Chain, Logistics, and Staffing needs.
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About Us

Welcome to Deewai Global!

We are your premium partner for comprehensive professional solutions. Specializing in resource staffing, efficient haulage & logistics, and seamless integrated supply & contracting, we’re here to supercharge your business.

Through strategic collaborations, we empower enterprises to achieve unparalleled efficiency and top-tier work delivery for individuals, businesses, and organizations alike. Discover how we can elevate your success today.

Our Core Services

Let us help you improve overall efficiency to better serve your clients.

Haulage & Logistics Service

We specialize in comprehensive haulage and logistics solutions that keep businesses moving forward.

Integrated Supply & Contracting

We specialize in seamlessly integrating supply chain management and contracting services. 

Resource Staffing & Management

Our expertise offers a gateway to a more efficient and effective workforce for your business

Company Values


For us, trust goes beyond mere transactions. We aim to foster deep, lasting relationships with our clients, ensuring that they can always rely on us for genuine advice and support.

 Customer satisfaction

We believe in consistency. Every client, regardless of the size or nature of their project, receives our utmost attention and dedication, ensuring they’re always satisfied.

Quality Service

We pride ourselves on our consistency. Every time a client chooses us, they can expect nothing but the best in terms of service, support, and results.

Trusted by amazing clients

I had never thought of using a staffing agency before, but in this tight market to find the qualified talent we so desperately needed, DeewaiGlobal came through for us to keep our workforce at full capacity!.”

F. Rowland
HR Director

“The Deewai team successfully ensured that our business needs were met despite the challenges faced in the industry. We highly recommend their services! 

Director of Operations

“Deewai Global Haulage Services delivered our cargo flawlessly, even in tough conditions. Their communication and reliability set them apart. Highly recommended!.”

J. Martinez

“The Deewai team’s Supply Services has been an absolute game-changer for our company. Their seamless approach to procurement not only saved us valuable time and resources but also made our operations run smoother than ever before” 

C. Anderson
Director, Supply Chain

Reliable customer support service

We are here to ensure you have the best solutions tailored to fit your business needs & requirements.

Ready to get started?